Civil Service Disciplinary Code and the Civil Service Under Performance Policy

The Civil Service Disciplinary Code and the Civil Service Underperformance Policy has come into operation in the Irish Prison Service with effect from Thursday 1st October 2020. From this date the Prison (Disciplinary Code for Officers) Rules 1996 will be revoked and replaced by the Civil Service Disciplinary Code to deal with disciplinary matters in the Irish Prison Service.

The Revised Civil Service Disciplinary Code was introduced into the Civil Service with effect from Thursday 1st September 2016. Circular 19/2016, sets out the arrangements for dealing with disciplinary matters in the Civil Service. The purpose of this Code is to set out the arrangements for dealing with disciplinary matters in the Civil Service. It is also to ensure that all civil servants are aware that if there is a failure to adhere to the required standards of conduct, work performance and attendance, the disciplinary procedures set out in Circular 19/2016 will apply.

Procedures will be initiated where a concern arises about the conduct, work performance, and/or attendance of a civil servant. They will provide a fair and efficient process for dealing with any such concern. This Code applies to all civil servants other than new entrants serving in a probationary capacity. The Civil Service Management of Under Performance Policy was introduced into the Civil Service with effect from Sunday 1st January 2017. Circular 24/2016, sets out the arrangements for managing under performance in the Civil Service.

The Civil Service Management of Under Performance Policy applies to all civil servants except new entrants serving in a probationary capacity. The purpose of this Policy is to provide a clear framework to help managers to identify and deal with issues of Under Performance effectively in the Civil Service. Any members encountering difficulties regarding underperformance issues or subject to the disciplinary procedures set out in the Civil Service Disciplinary Code should make contact with your Branch Committee in order to receive the appropriate assistance and advice.


Legislation / Circulars / Policy


  1. Circular 19 of 2016 Civil Service Disciplinary Code
  2. Circular 24 of 2016 Management of Underperformance Policy
  3. Disciplinary Handbook September 2016

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