About the POA

The Prison Officers’ Association represents Prison Officers in the 26 Counties of the Republic of Ireland. The Association represents grades from Prison Officer up to and including Deputy Governor. The Association has a Branch structure in each prison/place of detention. It also has a National structure with a National Executive Council and an Administrative Council. The Association’s headquarters are at 18, Merrion Square, Dublin 2.

National Structure

At National Level the Administrative Council is made up of 8 National Officers. The Administrative Council is responsible for the day to day running of the Prison Officers’ Association.

Meet the Team

Karl Dalton

General Secretary

Gabriel Keaveny

Deputy General Secretary

Terry Goodson

Assistant General Secretary

Mark Morrison

Assistant General Secretary

Tony Power


Dermot Kelly

Information Officer

Keith Ryan

General Treasurer

Peter Redmond

Vice President

History of the Prison Officers' Association

Membership Login